Thursday, December 22, 2011

Personal Reflection Exercises...

Personal Reflection Exercises...

Even if I take a wrong turn, I can find
another route to success.

     Even if I take a wrong turn, I can find another route to success. If I steer my vessel in the wrong direction, I can find a map and chart out a new course.
     Stopping is not an option. I will find my way as long as I keep my eyes on the prize. Success is a journey, not a destination. That is why I strive to make each step count. A positive attitude helps me move forward and,even when I am unsure of where I am, I am not lost. Instead, I choose to become a trailblazer. The generation coming behind me will have access to another route thanks to my resolve to stay the course and forge a new path.
     When I come to a fork in the road I trust my intuition to guide me. Being spontaneous in this way helps me release my inner self and experience success in a new way. Spontaneity gives me freedom. Missing a turn causes me no panic because I know that I have countless options; I am not
limited to only one way. A wrong turn may lead me to find a new way. 
     The opportunity to explore the unknown excites me.
Although it feels daring to get off the fast-paced highway of life and take the scenic route, detours can be worthwhile because
they lead me to discover the beautiful things in life that I otherwise may have missed. The road less traveled is filled with the most stunning sights. Flexibility allows me to prosper despite failure. Being flexible gives me the strength
to keep going when I would rather stop.

Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What do I do when I reach a dead end?

2. How might I become less rigid and more

3. What changes can I make to ensure that I
enjoy the journey just as much as the end

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