"The effect of having other interests beyond the domestic works well. The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home and love and understanding companionship."
Ameila Earhart

Candidly Candace Radio Show, March 18th at 2p.m. EST

   Ever feel so overwhelmed or stressed out that migraines and backaches begin take residency? Discover the mind - body - spirit connection that is potentially robbing you of mental clarity and your most valuable asset - time. Find out how experiences of your past hold the keys to your success, peace and emotional well-being that unlock your passion and open the door to a life of abundance. 

  Learn how to identify the distortional thinking which could be triggering anxiety and stress that could be crippling your success. Breakthrough negative self-talk, chatter, bound and blocked emotions and learn to harness transforming power that will guide you toward making consistent choices with intention for purpose filled living. It's time to embrace possibility while living a life of purpose that radically impacts and changes the lives of others. 

Significance, security, and purpose are only truly discovered after taking the time to develop an authentic relationship with God. 

Everyone has a past. Not everyone has the courage to own every aspect of who they are and identify the greater purpose. 

Take emotional inventory and responsibility of your life. In order to effectively bridge what you are passionate about toward purpose filled living; you must be emotionally balanced and whole. 

Invest in yourself. Each of us has been gifted with various talents, skills and abilities. It is our responsibility to develop every aspect of our being without comparing what we do have or do not have with others. 

 Let Coach Kerri show you how!

Call (347) 996-3381 during the Candidly Candace Radio Show Sunday, March 18th, 2012 to speak with our inspiring guests! FREE GIVEAWAYS! ENTER the free giveaway contes here.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."-- Marianne Williamson

"Healthtopia for the Modern Woman"
  Bonnie Mechelle, Creator/CEO and Maisha McGee, President
Candidly Candace Radio Show, Feb. 5, 2012 at 2p.m.EST

Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Program for Women of Faith 
Who Want a Spiritual Breakthrough and a Positive Life Change

     Victory Steps is a new Christian weight loss coaching program that is specifically for women. It is different from every other commercial weight loss program because the main focus of Victory Steps is on growing spiritually, learning to manage stress  and building self-esteem. “The root cause for weight gain often comes from pain from childhood, broken relationships, low income, past injuries as well as many other different reasons.  Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Coaching for Women takes a different approach to address the emotional needs of women by coaching them and encouraging women to talk about their feelings and aspirations for the future,” says creator Bonnie Mechelle.

     The Victory Steps Program gives guidance and support for women all over the world to establish healthy eating and exercise habits with a weekly consultation from a Certified Victory Steps Coach.

     Victory Steps Creator and CEO, Bonnie Mechelle is a certified fitness instructor, holistic nutritionist and life coach who lost 100 pounds in one year. She has inspired hundreds of women to lose weight and take better care of their bodies using her holistic healing and spiritual principles. Bonnie Mechelle is a married mother of two and the executive producer of Healthtopia Radio 860 AM in Atlanta , Georgia . She was recently featured in The Inner Weigh documentary film modeled after " The Secret".

          Victory Steps company president, Maisha McGee Childs is the author of the newly released book, The Soulful Slimdown, A Forty-Day Journal to a Successful Daniel Fast (Tate Publishing, 2011). She is an accomplished real estate broker who currently works with many famous athletes and celebrity entertainers. 

     Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Program will also host free weight loss support group meetings online and over-the-phone via conference call every Friday night at 8pm EST. These free support group meetings provide a special way for women to connect, pray and share their own personal experiences with other women who also are struggling with weight and body image issues.

     There is considerable scientific research analyzing the potential connection between prayer and health. Studies have shown that prayer may accelerate the healing process beyond the effects of conventional medicine, so perhaps asking God to intervene may not be so far fetched. Recent CDC research statistics tells us that 63% of Americans are overweight.

     On January 30, 2012 Bonnie Mechelle, Maisha McGee Childs and their dedicated staff of Certified Victory Steps Coaches  launched the Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Coaching Program for Women in which clients  receive one-to-one weekly phone consultations featuring healthy eating, exercise, stress management strategies and prayer. “The Christian overtones and strong emphasis on prayer is what sets this program apart. This has been one of the most life changing experiences concerning my health. The day I started the Victory Steps program, the answer to my prayers began to unfold,” reports Pastor Lenora who lost over 20 pounds after one month of doing Victory Steps.

     About 75% of adults in America identify themselves as Christian. So this new Christian focused weight loss initiative may be what is needed for our overweight population to become more disciplined and healthy. The Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Program™ has special plans for women and teen girls that are married, divorced, single moms, struggling with eating disorders or simply looking for a great jumpstart. Learn more at or call (888) 509-8450 Ext. 2

Call (347) 996-3381 during the Candidly Candace Radio Show Sunday, February 5th, 2012 to speak with our inspiring guests! FREE GIVEAWAYS! ENTER the free giveaway contes here.